I am pleased to report that ‘beehacker’ has been entered into the lexicon of popular culture. WordSpy, “the word lover’s guide to new words”, has identified an emerging new meme: beehacker. A beehacker has been defined as

n. A beekeeper who uses digital tools and technology to help monitor and manage a collection of hives. Also: bee hacker.
beehacking pp.

I would not limit the definition to only digital technology as there are a lot of different kinds of hackers.  Paul McFredries is the author of both the website wordspy.com and “Word Spy: The Word Lover’s Guide to Modern Culture”. A doff of the beekeeper’s white hat to Paul.

I feel as if an apology is in order since I have not posted since June.  If you have been waiting for the next post with vexatious anticipation, then I am truly sorry…and get a frickin life.  If you have been visiting the apiary timeline, you would see that I have been recording hive weights through the summer.  Since harvest in June, though, it has not been a happy story…but that story will be told soon enough.

Enough about me. What have you got? Let me know what projects you are working on. Post a reply or send private email  to beehacker at beehacker dought com.